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Avengers fanfiction steve makes peter cry

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Avengers fanfiction steve makes peter cry. The kid's fading, Tony. Kid Peter Parker. The camera holder makes their way around, bringing in the birthday boy for a one-armed hug. "No sir," Peter whispered. "Peter isn't a grown-up. " Steve's voice was very calm, and as Steve's large hand rubbed steadily over Tony's back, the man couldn't help but feel his eyes drifting closed, his exhaustion finally taking over him. " "S-Stop apologizing!" The brunette shouted. The Captain squeezes him tight in response. "Um, please come inside. Sam drove the car and Peters cries eventually came back and Steve could do nothing but to try to comfort him. Even though he would allow it. “Looks like we have a new player on the scene. They always said that they wanted to make it on their own. " Steve is relentless with his tongue, when he finds a spot that makes Peter cry out, he stays there, working it until he doesn't think Peter can take anymore. His uncle was dead. I never get to just have fun without having to go save someone, or stop some robbery. I'm saying that you don't get a choice in this," Tony counters as he stands, frustration shifting into anger. " "What?" Steve asked. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 3 - Words: 10,626 - Reviews: 51 - Favs: 590 - Follows: 232 Mays dead, Peter is struggling with his rapidly declining mental health and Tony, Pepper, and the rest of the Avengers step into help. But the air between the Super Soldier and Peter had always been awkward, at best. Language: English. "Oh, that won't be necessary," Tony said, almost amused. Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker (3337) Peter Parker & Tony Stark (2701) Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (713) Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov (611) Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (567) Peter Parker & Steve Rogers (503) Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker (479) Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (473) James "Bucky" Barnes & Peter Parker (407) Peter just grunted as he turned back to the homework. " She thinks her father might cry then, and she wraps her fingers around his wrist. Steve may have felt out of place here, but Bucky could see the gravity well where once there had been a super soldier punk, and now was just a sucking black hole. " Her father tells her. "Peter I have lost a lot in my life, please don't make me lose your as well. Loki would use Peter as a bargaining chip to achieve that. "Will Dad and Papa be mad?" I asked, sounding like a tiny child again. Still the kid kept staring title: Bruce and Peter's talk. The paddling that followed was by far the worst Peter had ever gotten. Getting up with a groan, he went to the bathroom, changing and sticking a pad to his underwear to collect the slick. Series Peter and Steve both turned at the voice, shocked to see Tony leaning on the doorway of the kitchen, casually sipping coffee from his new mug. When I grew up, on the street there were a few kids with rich parents. But what surprised both of them was that his answer was 饾槢饾槹饾槸饾樅. If he didn't have Dustin's homework done by first period, he was a dead man. She tapped into the anger that lurked deep down in her soul. This story revolve's around Omega Peter's life under these powerful alpha's and his daily life as their sex toy . " Steve said. "I didn't mean to make you cry. He needed to be with the kid. Ned was the first to greet him, wrapping his arms around the omega happily. Or the one where the Avengers witness Peter's change and unofficially adopt a spider child. Feb 24, 2024 路 Steve loved Peter. " He stated, Pepper looking at him with a lifted eyebrow, "Let's cancel my birthday party and…we're in Europe. "You can't m-make me do anything!" "Of course not," Steve murmured suddenly looking solemn. The Avengers were doing everything they could to bring everyone back, and Peter would help wherever he could. Peter hobbled over to the man, the moon boot on his foot making it difficult to walk without looking stupid, but he smiled all the same and wrapped his arms around Tony's chest. ' Peter was well aware of the articles. Mr. Peter can't handle the scolding that only makes his senses go into overdrive. Sorry again. It's like being hit by a freight train. He walked over to Peter and tapped his shoulder. Bruce, Steve and Tony walked in and started to browse Feb 20, 2018 路 Steve didn't make such threats often, but he could not abide anyone hurting a child so maliciously. Jun 7, 2019 路 Peter was gonna kill Happy for making an ass out of himself. What are you doing here?" Peter spat out. A/N: You know what annoys me? We got exactly (0) domestic avengers & Peter action. He came back with a cup full of Motrin and gave it to peter. XXXXXXXXXXXX "Bruce! He just fainted!" Steve rushed inside the medbay with Peter. He only had May. "That makes sense. Maybe now I'm not because of Brad. Cry. He let out another sob, and it broke the first Avengers heart. Peter fails an exam. Tony didn't bother stopping him, wanting to do the exact same thing. "I knew something was up and I just He practically destroyed the plane's kitchen area while attempting to make an omelet he had watched Steve make a few times. You're a smart and funny boy. I understand. Aug 7, 2012 路 Peter stared at Avengers' Tower, breathing shallowly and favoring his left leg, he tried not to think about the tight knot in his chest. "I said-" "I know what you said. So of course, he opens his eyes. Mar 7, 2020 路 Bucky quickly glanced over to Steve with growing concern, Steve reached out and lays his hand on Peter's back hoping this would bring him back to the present and called his name again. He looked up and there wasn't anything out of the ordinary there. Tried not to think about the mountains of homework he'd yet to finish, of the woman he had not been able to save yesterday who had left behind a husband and three children; he tried not to think about going to the fundraiser held by Stark Industries in two Peter smirked to see Steve's hand twitching it's a known fact that in the dark with heightened awareness you can make people believe something just by talking about it. That sucks. Selina took Peter and the rest of the kids to the mall. " Steve said leading the charge out of the gym. "Steve. News articles that revealed that Howard Stark (Peter's grandfather) had practically prostituted his son out in an attempt to 'turn him straight. " Steve tried stepping forward. When the bag guy made him disappear. " Tony begged. " When Peter strained his hearing he could listen to the conversation that was happening two floors below. At all. They both looked back at the other Avengers that were still recovering from the shock of Peter -but unable to hide their amusment from his story. He could hear the footsteps of just one person walking toward him and then a mild curse as he passed the web shooters on the ground. Peter makes sure he sees Steve begin to walk down the hallway and into the elevator then he turns and runs over to Gwen. When Tony would finally arrive home from work Peter had him all to himself. Once his vision comes back, and he stops making gargling noises, Steve finally settles enough to look around and take stock of the situation. Frankly, I'm surprised he told you. So even though there are no spiders around them at all, they are all acting like they can feel and maybe even see the moment in the dark from the spiders. As Peter got older Tony was able to work on his and Peter's suits. The bad news is, they've moved back into the compound, but they still aren't on good terms. The anger at Brad. I'm glad you could make it!" Shuri offered a similar hello, minus the hug. As it is, Steve— the good parent between the two of them— really isn't that much better on that front either; so they suck it up and decide to wait out the three days before they have to show up for the meeting. "Peter. As soon as Loki and Thor left, everyone dispersed. "Get up. Stark, proud of him, Peter decides to keep a serious injury secret at the end of a mission in Sweden and gets addicted to the morphine substances. He shouldn't have let himself fall for Tony. So Peter replied to Stark by just sighing defeatedly and shrugging. Carefully he lifted Peter into his arms, the blankets spilling onto the concrete floor as he secured his hold. When Damien and Jason heard him say that. "I love you," Peter murmurs, more tears flooding the other's dark eyes. And Bucky would make his own. Aunt May came came in and left a plate on his desk. Clint Barton. "So this is Spider-Man?" Steve asked, looking the boy up and down. " Clearly seeing Peter wouldn't catch the ball, Steve intercepted it and caught it. "Peter…?" "Kiddo?" "Fuck. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Drama - Captain America/Steve R. Steve cracked a smile, this kid was adding up to be a mini Tony. And Peter felt ungrateful for thinking that it wasn "I'm sorry," Steve suddenly whispered through the storm. " Cap dropped the two men, immediately going to Peters side. Words: The rogue avengers have finally agreed to sign the revised accords, and are no longer war criminals. "I'm not sure of the exact reason. And don't try to argue with me. And Natasha and Clint going off to who knows where with their freaky spy powers. The next morning, she came back and it was still untouched. If anyone has a reading recommendation, please let me know! 4 days ago 路 The Avengers are coming but Zemo has time to ask him one question that he thinks will be the key to bring the Avengers down for good. He…he was scared. Of course, they never could. He's not upset, it can happen to anyone, right? But then Clint tells him what Howard used to do to Tony if he failed. "Mr Stark, I love being Spider-Man, but I'm always Spiderman. "Let's go!" He says excitedly as he runs into the crowd of people all wishing him happy birthday. Peter swung into the sever room and landed lightly on his feet. / Tags. After work, Betty brought Peter to the restaurant, meeting up with the whole group. " Peter chuckled smally, blotchy tears all over his cheeks. When Steve had placed Peter in the back of the car, he got in next to him, carefully rubbing his knee. "We need to go. , Hulk/Bruce B. ) Why would Loki choose to disguise himself as an older Steve? Who knows what Loki knows~ ;) Steve was waiting in the garage for him when he pulled up. Tony didn't bother to turn off the ignition as he stepped out and opened the back car door. "Shit," Peter mumbled. Steve gave Tony a searching look before he nodded, addressing the table. (I suck at summaries but I promise this Jul 11, 2018 路 Steve shook his head. Tony's still fully prepared to ruin the school if need be though. 3rd Person P. Pepper grew suspicious at the mess he created, and he stumbled for an excuse. "I live here?" Steve said scrunching his eyebrows. He keeps talking, but Peter stops listening. They end up hugging one another again, and Tony buries his face in Peter's neck. Peter Parker Has a Family. "I didn't mean to make him cry…I didn't know I could make a grown-up cry. "Go inside and pack real fast kid. "Whatever you say, mama spider. "Ok," he answered and stood up again. Stark still had his shades on, and after pressing the button to the top, he turned to face the closed doors and stared ahead with a blank expression the whole way up. "Peter! I've missed you, dude. Jun 19, 2019 路 "Thanks, Pete," He smiles, too. He grabbed the oxygen canister and handed it to Steve. " The anger she felt was real, though directed at the wrong person. " News articles that Peter was well aware of from his own research - news articles that he was sure his Dad hoped that Peter would never know about. " Tony stated. If Steve said they had something else to focus on that was what they were going to do. "Peter are you o-" Steve stopped talking as he saw Peter's trail of sight. They were family. Tony nodded slowly. Please. Peter sighed, turned around, and bent over the end of his bed. We can make anything that happened right. He felt hot, nearly feverish. " Does Tony know about this?" Steve asked. Steve made a desperate gasp for breath, but another wail escaped instead. "Peter got a phone call from May and then went and jumped to the ceiling and climbed into a vent. Just like all other the alpha's , the avengers also treat Peter as their sex slave and make him do their houseworks but they also care about their little omega . Feb 6, 2018 路 Peter is locked in Stark Tower with an angry Hulk, and all Tony can do is watch from the outside in, and hope that the kid makes it out alive. The Avengers had just finished saving the world from the bag of cats they call Loki. He probably just thought you'd make a big . Steve picked up Peter, making him choke down a cry and let out a grunt of pain. When Peter was 15 Tony invented the Iron Spider. With Steve's warm breathe on his ear, warmth encompassing him, Tony fell asleep. The boy had gotten along with Bruce, Clint, Steve, and even Natasha almost immediately. Hell, Peter interacted with no one on a personal level except from Tony. , Iron Man/Tony S. " Steve realized with a shock that it's Tony filming. His mind reeled with guilt and shame. He never did make it to the kitchen, even after he finished both his and Dustin's work. "We need to make a decision. Right now the Avengers were inside trying to locate Tony Stark. " Tony was taken aback from Peter's willingness to give back the suit. "Don't call him that. "Turn around," he gasps, coming up for air. And…it's really scary for him. This time. "Sup, loser?" MJ smirked, seeing Peter's sarcastic eye roll. No Archive Warnings Apply; Steve Rogers/Tony Stark; Peter Parker & Steve Rogers & Tony Stark; Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov; James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Sam Wilson Peter thought he would feel better in the elevator, away from the prying eyes of various Avengers agents and supervisors, but it was worse. "Don't call me son and I don't need to take a step back. Steve’s weakness. But he figured that could wait. Bucky and Steve punish Peter. Loki is also fond of the midgardian spiderling and wants to protect him. "Make a wish, Peter!" He grins, closing his eyes briefly, then leaning forward, blowing out the candles. One thing leads to another and suddenly the team is on a worldwide search for a boy that Loki and Thor seen a little too protective of. or The day Peter discovered what his family did for a living. He hadn't paid much attention when he was first introduced to Peter, because he had never really been good with kids. characters: Peter Parker/Spiderman & Bruce Banner/Hulk word count: 5171 genre: family & friendship rating: K summary: Peter's left without answers in Stark Tower, he finds Bruce and discovers his family's secret. Jan 10, 2020 路 Peter's fists clench under the workbench and his jaw tightens. Speaking of domestic avengers, I'm in desperate need of some Steve/Bucky/Peter time. O. He still might do it depending on Steve's behavior. " "Why didn't he tell me?" Steve sighed. V. "You don't need to say anything, Tony. They practically jumped for joy. But Peter had seen enough fights for one day. Peter and Tony began to work together in the lab and that gave the two of them much more time together. Tony asked. He's only sixteen. It would take every ounce to convince Peter he was wrong. Stephen gives the Avengers a magical amulet for protection while there are rogue sorcerers on the lose but forget to give one to Peter. Living in Queens, trying to organize his life after losing everyone he loves and Doctor Strange's spell erasing him from everyone's memory, Peter Parker finds himself on the unusual mission of mentor. That kid knows how to make him smile, even in the midst of so many hardships, even if everything else is falling apart. ” Bruce sat up, adjusting his glasses to take a closer at the image that was projected on the hologram in the middle of the room. May 30, 2019 路 "I miss him too," Nat responded. Everyone whoops and claps. "I-I guess that makes sense…" Peter hadn't considered that About forty minutes later all the Avengers finished reading their letters, except for Steve. OR OR I got bored, listened to the album Clancy again, and thought “hmm I could defo peter-fy some of these songs. Peter shook his head, "Don't call him that. Clint went after him. (That last one is inspired by tumblr and instagram memes of Loki having a huuugeee soft spot for Peter. Even though the party was 3 days late, Peter enjoyed himself just as much as he would've on his actual Steve watches the two for a moment before he's staring down at Peter, who's currently trying to say something with barely any breath left in his lungs. He needed to make sure he was okay. Original Prompt: Bucky holding his Petey-Pie down and brushing his fingers through his hair and whispering things in his ear while Steve beats his ass for being a reckless idiot. Avengers/devil May cry C'est ce que se demande Peter Parker - ou plutôt Peter Stark, alias le fils de Tony Stark, alias Spider-Man, lorsqu'il s'éveille d'une disparition qui, a ses yeux, n'aura duré que quelques secondes, mais durant laquelle le reste du monde aura avancé sans lui. Years pass, memories fade, and Peter Stark Rogers, now 14, only cares about keeping up good grades and frying a decent egg. Tony had to set aside his fear for one version of his son to help the other. "I'm sorry. he put all the stuff in the crib. He'd try to integrate with Steve's family here – Tony, Pepper, Morgan, and the other Avengers. Tony tries to help him through this ordeal, whether the teenager wants his help or not. For now he wanted to spend some quality time with his mentor and hero Tony Stark. "Peter please just step back from the edge. "Look, son lets take a step back here. This was not going to be good, I knew it. The anger at her mom for never being there. And yet Peter had no family. ” Jul 10, 2019 路 Peter Parker, the kid who never stopped talking, the kid who practically worshipped Iron Man and the rest of the Avengers, the kid who wished that Happy would put in the effort to talk to him, felt empty. Nov 14, 2017 路 "Oh my God," Steve hears Peter breathe out, "Oh my GOD," he says again, and Steve thinks Peter's about to cry. Clint was shocked on seeing the boy so unresponsive while Bruce quickly got in his doctor mode "Quick! Lay him down" Steve laid Peter on the bed and Bruce checked his vitals "It's a severe case of Peter Parker is just 4 years old when he is kidnapped in broad daylight by Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. " Peter repeated. " This time they received a reaction from Peter but not one they were expecting. Hurt Peter Parker. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 21 - Words: 60,193 - Reviews: 208 - Favs: 1,609 - Follows: 1,727 - Updated: 7/28/2018 - Published: 5/2/2017 - id Dec 29, 2023 路 "What happened?" Steve yelled as he, Bruce and Thor came running in the gym. His parents were dead. " "You didn't- didn't make me cry," Tony hiccuped, tears still falling. "The fact is that we have no information on what he was even planning. Steve was going to explore how the world changed while he was frozen. Of course, trouble finds Peter. Everything was perfectly fine until Loki requests to make a mysterious phone call. Peter was thrilled to have a suit just like Daddy. " Tony said. He should have never left the avengers. " Nat explained. Happy, Rhodey, Pepper, the Avengers, Tony. His pants and sheets were wet, covered in slick. Peter Parker Needs a Hug. Peter was having trouble falling asleep and started to cry because he stomach was really hurting Just then Tony remembered the medicine they got and handed Peter to Steve. Part 1 of when team members make peter cry. Steve smiles and nods. Peter sighed and dropped the shirt he was holding, onto his bed, flopping down beside it. "Peter, you've got one of the kindest hearts out of all of the Avengers. She pushed him away slightly, just enough so that he had to make eye contact with her. "Happy birthday, Peter. If they do anything to make Peter upset, he will destroy them May 15, 2019 路 As Tony had said, this was Steve's choice. Steve grabbed Peter's bear, blanket, and his sippy cup. Tony laughed lightly at Peter's frustrated face when a throat cleared behind them. His lungs ached, his headache blazed, and so Steve reached clumsily for a pillow on the couch and wrapped his pitiful frame around it like a lifeline. We were robbed. He would want you to take care of yourself. "But he wouldn't want you doing this to yourself. Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Captain America/Steve R. I have a few days without any of that responsibility, and I want to make the most of it. He was so tempted to lift his No killing rule. He had protected him, taken him under his wing, introduced him to so many great people Peter know thought of as family. And May only had Peter. "Okay. "I don't want to go home. He feels something drip onto his thigh and notices that the kid's cock is leaking precum like a faucet. "Still a kid. Apr 29, 2018 路 Tony Stark. " Peter said opening the door then running up the stairs to his room. He knew the answer when Peter froze from unlocking the door. " I smiled slightly as Steve drove to the Avengers' house. Steve nodded. I feel lucky that you're my nephew. Bruce told the kids to distract her before she unalived Steve. " She admits softly. It's hard to forgive someone who nearly killed you and left you for dead. " Peter slowly stood up and began to pull down his pajama pants. He had the longest letter of all and he still had three pages left to go After Steve read the last three pages of his letter he was shocked, and he felt really really bad, but as Captain he had to go and get Fury Blinded by his desire to make the Avengers, and especially Mr. The woman starts cutting into the cake.